The Wilkinson Family {Fall City, WA}

The Wilkinson Family {Fall City, WA}

Back in August I made a trip down to visit my family in California. Randomly while waiting in the Chick-Fil-A Drive-Thru, an old school friend messaged me on facebook that she had seen me from inside. So, of course I had to pop in and say hello once I had collected my...

The Carlson Family {North Bend, WA}

When Dan and I arrived at the location for the Carlson family’s session, two bald eagles sat in the tree above us and we knew it would be a good omen. It was! Despite it raining ALL weekend, it seemed to completely stop just long enough for us to fit in their...

Lyndsi {Mount Si High School Senior}

We have been eager to photograph a senior session for quite sometime, and we finally had our chance with Lyndsi a few weeks ago. We first met Lyndsi and her family last year when we photographed them on Thanksgiving Day.  She is stunning and we knew she would be easy...

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