
Each family is unique and special, and worthy of documenting even with our imperfections. We believe beautiful, professional photos truly are an investment and something that will be cherished for years, and generations to come. Our packages are all-inclusive, including all of the edited images taken during your session, presented both via an online gallery for sharing and on a USB for storage and safekeeping. Most clients invest an additional $100-$200 on high quality professional products (prints, albums, wall art, etc) in order to preserve and display the images from a session. After all, your photos aren’t meant to live digital lives!
All sessions require a $150 deposit to reserve your session date, with remaining balance due on your session date. Please note that this deposit is transferable, but not refundable.
Additional applicable Washington State Sales Taxes will be applied to pricing listed below.
Family (or Senior) Photography Session – $650
A fun-filled, relaxed session with primary focus on the love and connection between your family. We will spend approximately one hour on-location, and you can expect to receive a minimum of 50 hand edited images in both color and black and white, presented via online gallery and on USB.
Additionally, an heirloom quality 8×8 photo album, as designed by the photographer, will be included with your session.
Additional time for multiple locations and wardrobe changes (especially great for senior sessions) available as agreed upon prior to your session date.
*All returning clients receive an additional $100 off, because we LOVE returning families (including previous mini-session families!)!
Seasonal Mini Sessions – Please Inquire
Looking for a quick update without a lot of fuss? We love to offer seasonal mini sessions, perfect for updated family photo for the wall or Christmas card. These are only available on specific dates and times, please inquire about availability!
We are available for travel outside of the Greater Seattle Area! Please inquire for estimated travel fees.
Follow @rusted_van_photography