{Follow along in a little project/challenge Dan and I have against one another. Every week we choose a word at random from a very, very long list of words we made. Each of us have to create our own photographic interpretation of that word…then we see whose is best! Links below to the other words we have already shot!}
Thank you for voting for your favorite black and white photo. I think we ended last week at a tie…so any other votes are welcome as a tiebreaker!
Another week, another word. There were so many options for “drinking”, but this is a time of year when we get awfully busy and I am afraid creativity has been taking a bit of a back seat. Fortunately (or not) we had a little bit of a cough running through the house, so that provided the opportunity of “drinking” cough syrup. But don’t worry, Quincy was also offered up a milkshake in the name of “drinking”, so life isn’t too rough….

Photo by Dan

Photo by Cicely
Next Weeks Word: Animals
See previous weeks words here: [Planes] [Sunburst] [Automobile] [Mist] [Coffee][Night][Letters][Hairy] [Lace] [Heavenly] [Food] [Salty] [Portrait] [High Key] [Black and White] [Drinking] [Animals] [Advertising] [Candid] [Sleep][Run][Kids][Dark] [Toys] [Silhouette] [Exit] [Circles] [Bottle] [Warm]
#1 is far more sweeter of a memory 🙂