{Follow along in a little project/challenge Dan and I have against one another. Every week we choose a word at random from a very, very long list of words we made. Each of us have to create our own photographic interpretation of that word…then we see whose is best! Links below to the other words we have already shot!}
Well, I think Dan was a clear winner for our first week’s theme of “PLANES”. So, for those keeping track (ahem…me) that is Dan- 1 Cicely- 0. You can see last week’s blog and photos here, and read a little more about this year-long project we have started and where we got the idea.
This last week we each took photos highlighting “Sunbursts”, and fortunately it was beautiful and sunny all week long, so we were able to take lots and lots of practice shots. I promise, these bursts of light are not photoshopped into these photos! It takes some very specific settings on the camera to achieve a sunburst. If you would like to learn more, or give it a try for yourself, check out this tutorial. And keep in mind, this cool effect is not limited to just the sun! Its also great for magical, sparkling Christmas Tree photos, street lights and more.
So, as previously suggested, this week we will keep the two photos anonymous until next week when I reveal the winner and who took which photo. Which do you like best? Do you have any guesses as to who took each photo? Vote in the comments here, or on facebook and let us know!

Update: Photo by Dan

Update: Winning Photo by Cicely
So, this week, our son took a photo too! Our little photographer in the making! I love that this is a fun thing for the entire family!
Now, this is where Dan and I are really second-guessing allowing Quincy to choose so many of our words! This week our word is: AUTOMOBILES
See previous weeks words here: [Planes] [Sunburst] [Automobile] [Mist] [Coffee][Night][Letters][Hairy] [Lace] [Heavenly] [Food] [Salty] [Portrait] [High Key] [Black and White] [Drinking] [Animals] [Advertising] [Candid] [Sleep][Run][Kids][Dark] [Toys] [Silhouette] [Exit] [Circles] [Bottle] [Warm]
Photo #1 (although they are all good)
Thanks for voting mom! 🙂
Tough choice! They’re both great, but I think I’m going to go with photo #2.
Thanks Rachel!
They’re all awesome but I love photo 2 the best 🙂