{Follow along in a little project/challenge Dan and I have against one another. Every week we choose a word at random from a very, very long list of words we made. Each of us have to create our own photographic interpretation of that word…then we see whose is best! Links below to the other words we have already shot!}
Oh boy! Had you noticed our break in this project? Well, we were blessed beyond belief with a very busy fall season and after 4 weeks had passed without the opportunity to blog (let alone find the time to actually TAKE the weekly photos) we decided to put a brief “pause” on the project until everything slowed down a bit in the New Year! So, here we are… a new year and some time to get back to our project! But first we have to catch up on the four weeks worth of words I never had the chance to blog!! So, here I am, posting them all at once!
First up: Sleep

Photo by Dan

Photo by Cicely
Next: Run (Boy, Maisie was a popular model during these weeks!

Photo by Cicely

Photo by Dan
Then: Kids (this was during Halloween week! Lots of kids out and about!)

Photo by Dan

Photo by Cicely
Finally: Dark

Photo by Cicely

Photo by Dan
Sorry to bombard you with so many at once… and as always, we would love to hear what you think of them! I hope to continue blogging every Monday, just as I did before we entered our busy stretch!
Next Weeks Word: Toys
See previous weeks words here: [Planes] [Sunburst] [Automobile] [Mist] [Coffee][Night][Letters][Hairy] [Lace] [Heavenly] [Food] [Salty] [Portrait] [High Key] [Black and White] [Drinking] [Animals] [Advertising] [Candid] [Sleep][Run][Kids][Dark] [Toys] [Silhouette] [Exit] [Circles] [Bottle] [Warm]