{Follow along in a little project/challenge Dan and I have against one another. Every week we choose a word at random from a very, very long list of words we made. Each of us have to create our own photographic interpretation of that word…then we see whose is best! Links below to the other words we have already shot!}
Boy, our “SUNBURST” contest was much, much closer than we anticipated! In the end…Dan’s shot of the sunburst among the rims lost to the silhouette of my little explorer heading to the river! Yay! I win!
So, that brings our score to Dan:1 Cicely:1
This week was another of Quincy’s provided words, automobile, and it proved to be much, much more difficult for us than we thought it would be to get really creative with it.
So, here are our different takes on “Automobile”. As always, we would love to hear which one you like best Photo #1 or Photo #2? Be sure to leave a comment and let us know!

Update: Winning Photo by Cicely

Update: Photo by Dan
So, one of my favorite parts of this little project is how excited and involved our eight year old son has been with it. He is just as excited and interested in getting in some shots as we are! What a super fun, family activity for us! Today I even showed him a few things in Lightroom so he could “play” with the processing of his images as well. He had several photos that he liked, but as he explained to me, this one was his favorite. He felt like the black and white gave it a timeless feeling and “since there are no people, it looks really old”. Now, on to our 4th word: MIST.
See previous weeks words here: [Planes] [Sunburst] [Automobile] [Mist] [Coffee][Night][Letters][Hairy] [Lace] [Heavenly] [Food] [Salty] [Portrait] [High Key] [Black and White] [Drinking] [Animals] [Advertising] [Candid] [Sleep][Run][Kids][Dark] [Toys] [Silhouette] [Exit] [Circles] [Bottle] [Warm]
I like the older car photo.
Thanks Peg! That one is Quincy’s!!
They are all lovely but Photo 1 takes my vote
Thanks for voting Marts!
I know it’s over but I love the transience of the blurred people juxtaposed with the permanence of the solid cars.
Thank you Jerrie! No comment or vote is ever too late 🙂