{Follow along in a little project/challenge Dan and I have against one another. Every week we choose a word at random from a very, very long list of words we made. Each of us have to create our own photographic interpretation of that word…then we see whose is best! Links below to the other words we have already shot!}
Thanks for checking out and voting on last week’s “Coffee” theme!
This week, we had “Night”! Luckily for us, our kids were off at their generous auntie’s farm for a few nights, which gave us the opportunity to get out and photograph various “night” shots. Although, I tell ya, this time of year…we have to wait an awfully long time before it gets really dark out *yawn*. It was lots of fun! And for those of you who follow Dan on facebook, I don’t know how anonymous these photos are going to be since he posted a photo of me taking my night shot!
So, here they are! Tell us what you think! Which do you like best?

Photo by Dan

Photo by Cicely
Next Weeks Word: Letters
See previous weeks words here: [Planes] [Sunburst] [Automobile] [Mist] [Coffee][Night][Letters][Hairy] [Lace] [Heavenly] [Food] [Salty] [Portrait] [High Key] [Black and White] [Drinking] [Animals] [Advertising] [Candid] [Sleep][Run][Kids][Dark] [Toys] [Silhouette] [Exit] [Circles] [Bottle] [Warm]
Too late to vote but I’d choose the top one because the light shows the door in the night and that speaks to me.
Dan and Cicely… Only because the door one speaks to my soul and the Seattle skyline speaks to my origination.;-) so Both 🙂