Rusted Van Photography Gift Certificates

Rusted Van Photography Gift Certificates

We were so pleased to have a few gift certificates purchased as Christmas gifts and, of course, we couldn’t think of a better gift to give! Truly, the gift of photography is something that will be cherished long after the toys are broken or forgotten about.  I...
Look Family Session {Bellevue, WA}

Look Family Session {Bellevue, WA}

We have known Annie since our son Quincy started attending her daycare years and years ago. She has always been special to our family for the love she showed him and he has lots of fond memories of his days there. His best buddy for years was her middle son Dayton. So...

Patzmann Extended Family Session {Seattle, WA}

With family coming in from out of town during the holidays, Thanksgiving weekend was a perfect time for extended family photos with the Patzmann family. There was just one problem…it snowed the night before and it was C-O-L-D. Amazingly, this family laughed...

2014 Keepsake Ornaments

I had promised a special “gift” from Rusted Van Photography to those families who signed up for Christmas Mini Sessions by a specific date….but then, I got all sentimental and ended up getting one for ALL of the families who participated in our...

It’s Christmas Card Season!

In the age of social media, texting and email, I love when I begin receiving Christmas Cards in the mail! There is something so wonderful about finding a card amongst the bills and junk mail! I love seeing how my far away friends families have grown and of course, I...

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